Hvorfor mislykket Folkeforbundet?

Folkeforbundet var en orginisasjon som var dannet av seierherrene etter 1. Verdenskrig. De skulle forhindre krig i framtiden. Dette var en del av Verseilles avtalen. 

I 1931 viste Folkeforbundet at de ikke klarte å holde fred i verden. Madsjuriakonflikten mellom Japan og Kina klarte de ikkke å stoppe. Når Italia angrep Etiopia i 1935-36 ble forbundet virkeløse, etter dette kom Hitler inn i bildet. Hitler “hakket” ned på Verseilles-avtalen uten noen reaksjon fra folkeforbundet sin side. Ved angrepet på Finland høsten 1939 ble Sovjetunionen utestengt fra folkebundet. Japan og Tyskland gikk ut i 1933 og Italia i 1937. Folkeforbundet gikk i oppløsning, dette ble fulgt av de forente nasjoner FN, som ble dannet i 1946 etter andre verdenskrig. Denne organisasjonen finnes den dag i dag og det var 193 medlemms land i 2012.








Ram Mohammad Thomas

Ram Mohammad Thomas, the main character in the book I am reading at the time.

Ram was left in the Church of St. Mary just after his mother had given birth to him. Ram was put up for adoption, together with a clutch of other orpan babies. In the book Ram explains that he never was the perfect baby for anyone. They always shook their head and went on to the next one. Ram was finally adopted by Mrs Philomena Thomas and her husband Dominic Thomas. Unfortunately Ram’s adoptive parents ran away…

He was no left to Father Thimoty. Thimoty was a priest and learned Ram about religion and history, he gave him food and took care of him well. Thimoty came from York in England. One day a young boy came to Thimoty’s house. He wanted a house to stay in. Thimoty said yes. The young boy said that he came from York as well and was visiting his father here in India. Sadly Thimoty dies and Ram is the first one to find him. Later on The boy tells him that the thing about his dad was made up, his real dad was Thimoty. They cried in tree hours.

I start to understand more and more of the book, I like it!!!

Slumdog Millionaire

The book i have choosen is Slumdog Millionaire written by Vikas Swarup. Swarup comes from India. His best seller Slumdog Millionare are given out in 30 languages. The book became a film and won nine oscars!

I haven’t read so mutch of the book, but so far I love it. I haven’t seen the movie but that is no problem, you are getting quikly into the subject. So far i know that the main character Ram Mohammad Thomas are caught cheating in a Tv show which is about answer correct on 12 questions to win one billion rupees. Ram answer correct on all of the questions, how can a kid from the slums know who Shakespeare was? Do Ram cheat or is he clever?

I’m looking forward to find out more about Ram and the Tv Show. I hope you guys want to read the book. If you don’t you can see the movie, I have heard that the dilm is very good. I haven’t seen the movie by my self. If you see the movie let me know what you think:)

Hope you enjoy my blog:)

//Have you read or seen the movie/book?


J.M Barrie

James Matthew Barrie was born the ninth of may in 1860. He died when he was 77 years old. J.M Barrie was a Scottish author, journalist and playwright.

The first novel that Barrie posted was Better dead in 1887. Barrie wrote many novels after that. But one of the most famous is the novel about the boy who never wanted to grow up, ore most known as Peter Pan. Based on Barrie’s enchanting  characters, Disney created the animated classic, PeterPan, in 1953.

In 1910 Barrie adopted five orphans Brothers. We Think that these kids was an huge inspiration to his roman figures.

When Barrie died he gave the copyright of Peter Pan to a children’s hospital in London.

In 2004 the Movie Finding Neverland was given out. The Movie is about part of his life. Johnny Depp played the main character as the author.

The picture above J.M Barrie          The Peter Pan Book